Saturday, June 16, 2007

Reunion with the Felines

We're in Kansas City this weekend being reunited with our cats! It's been nearly three months since I last saw their frightened little faces inside their carriers. They were being carted off on a forklift, bound for a plane headed for the US. Needless to say, this is a much happier encounter. They look great - Nate's parents have taken impeccable care of them. As Nate's brother Pat said, "They almost look more comfortable than they've ever been!" They've spent their hiatus in a much bigger house, and they had an additional four-legged friend - the family dog Digger who has made it to the ripe old age of 15!! Being the sage old hound that he is, Digger doesn't bother the cats much, unless he accidentally bumps into them due to his blindness.

Tomorrow we head back to St. Louis - hopefully the furry faction of our family will adjust quickly to our new house. We're liking the place a lot - it's close to a lot of great St. Louis landmarks and is in walking distance to the public transportation. I love the hardwood floors, but I'm wondering how the cats will deal with it . . . yikes.

Updates might continue to be a bit sparse until we get our home internet access! We're working on getting our house set up for wireless, so hopefully that will be complete within a few weeks or so. Until then, my only internet access is through the public library. It's also very close to our house, but they kick you off after an hour, and the online graduate course I'm taking eats up most of that time. Hopefully this will all change soon though!

It's amazing how fast the summer is already flying by, isn't it? We're already almost upon the two-month anniversary of our arrival back in the states. I'll be back in the classroom before I know it!


Blogger Brent said...

The repatriation continues! Glad to see a family of immigrants reunited! Wishing you all the best in this busy time!

5:13 PM  

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