Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Wheels

We've got wheels now! Both hybrids - we're committed friends of the earth now.

Nate opted for a charcoal Toyota Camry. He got a great deal on it because it's "pre-owned" (aka used), but only slightly so, and it's still a 2007. It's got some great features - it's amazing how the technology in cars is advancing.

I went for a Honda Civic. Not the most exciting of choices in concept, especially after the purple Cougar I had before we left for Ireland, but it's actually a pretty slick looking car. I like small cars - I'm much more comfortable in them, and I have a much better track record with them. My past driving blunders (several years ago now - only dents and dings!) usually took place when I was in a larger car.

So now we're behaving like little children with new toys - we're loving that new car smell!

Not too long before we're in our house too!! Then I just have to tackle the decorating and renovating on the areas we want to fix up. Hopefully the blog will be picture-enabled again in a few weeks!


Blogger Deborah said...

You had a purple cougar?? Hmmmmmmmm.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Very exciting. Can't wait to see them!

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing quite like a new car - it makes me happy whenever I have to drive anywhere!

Oh yes Deborah - a purple cougar. I'll have to post a pic of it when I'm picture-enabled again. My first car of my very own - sniff, sniff.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Sweet! Dueling hybrids! Al Gore would be proud. Keep 'em on the right hand side of the road, will ya? *grin*

6:57 PM  

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