Thursday, February 22, 2007

Farewell to Galway

Around the end of January, a friend of mine and I decided to make an impromptu one-day trip to Galway on Ireland's west coast. I love Galway - it's a great break from Dublin, very laid back. This was my farewell trip and Deborah's hello trip. We had a great time - I love taking spontaneous trips like this. We caught the Friday night train out, got dinner at an Irish version of a TGIFriday's, and had a pint at An Pucan, a pub on the road back to our B&B. Deborah got hit on by the first of three weird men who would accost her during our trip - they each got progressively weirder with each come-on. This guy was significantly older than either of us and had a monstrous beer belly. After shooing him away and gulping down our pints, Deborah and I headed off to our B&B where we nearly froze to death because we couldn't close the window in our room - can't win 'em all I guess.

The next day Deborah took her first trip to the Cliffs of Moher, and if her experience here is anything like mine has been, it won't be her last. She was off at the cliffs for the day, and I used the time to soak in Galway for the last time, taking pics and wandering up and down the scenic streets. It was quality alone time. I've been to Galway so many times I could practically lead my own tour of the area, but I wanted to see it one last time before taking off.

We caught the Saturday night train back in order to see our significant others. I'll put the pics on Flickr for all to enjoy. I look forward to seeing that town again, although who knows how old I'll be when that happens!


Blogger Deborah said...

Thanks again for showing me wonders of Western Ireland and the Irish Rail system!

5:24 PM  

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