Saturday, October 07, 2006

Another Trip Around the Sun

We've officially been here for just over a year now. Above are our friends Liz and Kurt - though they live in the states, they were the first friends we made here, just one week after arriving. A mutual friend of ours got us in touch, since they were ending their Irish vacation in Dublin at the same time that we made our big move. It was great making a connection so early in this tenuous experience.

We arrived on a chilly, overcast Wednesday and walked the town aimlessly, trying to get a sense of the road that lay ahead. 365 days, 11 explored countries, 5 groups of visitors later, and here we are. Perhaps a little more educated about the world around us, but definitely hungry to learn more. We are still so amazed at what we've seen and done this year, and are immensely grateful for the opportunity to take on this adventure.

I remember how lonely and overwhelmed I felt in our temporary corporate apartment when Nate left for his first day of work. I remember the hammering jackhammers and the chiming church bells outside the window. I remember the comfort of my Harry Potter book sitting on the bedstand. I remember hours at the Internet Cafe, squirming on a rigid wooden stool, searching for a place to live - one that would take our cats. I remember wondering if Dublin would ever feel like home.

Flying back from Germany last Wednesday, I remember sighing with familiar relief as I looked out my airplane window and saw Ireland's green coastline break through the mist. While I know we will never be fully settled here, I do feel that Dublin is our home here in Europe. How far we've come.

Here's to six more months in this beautiful place!


Blogger Jen said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a wonderful time! I really enjoy seeing your pics and reading about the trips you get to take. Miss you both!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Megan and Nate said...

Thanks norma jean - my reply is ong overdue. Looking forward to seeing you two soon!

11:00 AM  

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